Quality Control

Quality Control

Ohmura is unwavering in its commitment to quality

At Ohmura, we have always worked by a “quality first” policy. Our policy on quality is to achieve zero defects.

Our people struggle day and night throughout the production process to assure our customers that we can provide them with high-quality products with the aim of zero defects. And continuous kaizen improvement activities are a fundamental part of this commitment to quality.

One might think that it is virtually impossible to achieve the goal of zero defects. However, we will not hesitate to work toward zero defects even if it might generally be considered impossible. We will work with the short-term target, “How many days can we go with zero defects?” in order to try to achieve “zero defects for ever.”

●Matsuyama Plant
Piston Roundness and Cylindricity Tester

●QC Circle kaizen bulletin board

Inspection Devices
Measurement device name Model Manufacturer
3-dimensional measurement device PA1000 Accretech
GS800 Accretech
Cylindricity tester 52B Accretech
50A Accretech
EC3200W Kosaka Lab.
Shape tester 1500DX Kosaka Lab.
Roughness tester EF3000 Accretech
Hardness tester HM125 Mitsutoyo